How can I register my business as a sole proprietorship in BC.
For step by step registration, follow this link:

Should I incorporate or continue with sole Prop?
This is a very important area for every entrepreneur. Call us at 604-568-1787 or email us for the right decision.

How should I pay myself? Payroll or Dividend?
There are a lot of different aspects of answering this question. It depends on the status of the taxpayer, age and income level and these factors are always changing. It may require in-depth tax knowledge and experience. Please consult us by making an appointment at

What is CCPC’s? What tax advantages do they have?
CCPC means “Canadian Controlled Private Corporations” and it comes with quite wide of tax advantages. Consult us by making an appointment at to receive extensive information about the topic.


Certified General Accountants

Association of BCCanada Revenue Agency

Small Business